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This is a Class Module. It implements a class in Lua using Module:Middleclass. This class provides methods for creating and printing a debug log.

Usage[Quelltext bearbeiten]

local classDebug = require('Module:Debug/class')
local debugObject = classDebug:new('handlername')

To use the debug log, create an object and provide a (unique) handler. Then log things via or . At any time, you can print the log. When doing so, you can either

  • print the whole debug log (over all available handlers)
  • or only your specific handler

This class uses a static property to create the debug log, meaning all instances of class debug (all objects) write in one log (ie. a table). Later - depending whether you use the public or the static method - you print only 'your' entries (the one using your handler) or the whole log.

Besides a handler, all entries have a timestamp and a loglevel. On printout, all entries with a loglevel higher than a given number will be ommited.

Constructor[Quelltext bearbeiten]

new(handler)[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Creates a new Object for class debug.

string, mandatory
identifies your entries. should be unique over all used handlers/objects
object, of class debug

Methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Public methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]

__tostring()[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Returns a string representation of your debug log (all entries identified by your handler). Uses default debug level and default outputtype.

string, representation of itself

log(level, text)[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Creates a log entry.

integer, mandatory
defines the log-level of the entry. the lower, the more important.
string, mandatory
the actual log entry

printLog(level, outputtype)[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Prints all log entries having the same handler as this specific object. Not provided parameters will be defaulted. See static properties.

integer, suggested
specifies which log entries will be printed in the log. all entries with a level higher than this number will be omitted.
string, suggested
formats the log. supported types are 'plain', 'ol', 'ul', 'pre'
string, formatted and filtered debug log

Static methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]

classDebug:log(level, text, handler)[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Creates a log entry. Can be called by other (static) methods without having a debug object at hand.

integer, mandatory
defines the log-level of the entry. the lower, the more important.
string, mandatory
the actual log entry
string, suggested
helps to identify the log entry. works just like the handler you create when instanciating an object of this class

classDebug:printLog(level, outputtype)[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Prints all log entries (effectively doing the same as the public method only without the handler restriction). Not provided parameters will be defaulted. See static properties

integer, suggested
specifies which log entries will be printed in the log. all entries with a level higher than this number will be omitted.
string, suggested
formats the log. supported types are 'plain', 'ol', 'ul', 'pre'
string, formatted and filtered debug log

Private methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]


Properties[Quelltext bearbeiten]

static[Quelltext bearbeiten]

table, holds all debug entries
integer, default log level for printLog methods if none is provided
string, default output format for printLog methods if none is provided
object, 'de' ) used for timestamp format in debug log

private[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Note: all private properties are stored in table _private[self]. _private is a static array that is indexed by self, so the table _private[self] holds all properties for instance self.

'my' log entry handler with which this object marks all entries it loggs.